Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, 2001, University of Florida
Boeing Outstanding Engineer Fellowship, 1987-88, Center for Advanced Engineering Study, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
M.S. Physics, 1982, University of Washington
B.S. Physics with High Honors, 1977. University of Texas at Austin
B.S. Mathematics with Honors, 1977. University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Stanbery's early work in photovoltaics began in 1978, as a Senior Microelectronics Engineer with the Electronics Support Division of the Boeing Aerospace Company. His initial responsibility was for the development of fabrication processes for very high power silicon concentrator solar cells for a Boeing IR&D program in 1978. Based on that work, he negotiated a contract with Sandia National Laboratories for further development of the technology (DOE Contract #46-2122) in 1980, and was responsible during the contract period for the design and operation of an advanced computer controlled concentrator solar cell test facility. Subsequent to the work on concentrator cells, he served as a consultant at Boeing on an Air Force SMATH V subcontract for the development of metallization systems and device configurations for fabricating silicon solar cells capable of withstanding high temperature heat treatment. Since 1982, he had participated in Boeing's development of large-area CuInSe2 solar cells and related photovoltaic devices, has published over two dozen papers, and holds seven U.S. patents in photovoltaic technology.
While at the University of Washington, he was a Research Assistant for Professor Martin Gouterman's Laboratory of Porphyrin Electro-Optics, where he devised experimental strategies and designed experimental equipment for the study of the optical and electronic properties of thin film photovoltaics fabricated from organic dye compounds.
In 1987, Dr. Stanbery received the Boeing Outstanding Engineer Fellowship to the Center for Advanced Engineering Study at M.I.T., where he studied radical-beam-assisted heteroepitaxy of ZnSe on GaAs with Professor Herb Sawin in the Dept. of Chemical Engineering.
In 1988 Dr. Stanbery was named Senior Principal Engineer at Boeing, managing the company’s terrestrial photovoltaic program, including three contracts with NREL, “Photovoltaic Manufacturing Technology: Phase 1”, “A New Source of Hydrides for Epitaxial Growth,” and “Research in Polycrystalline CuInGaSe2 Solar Cells”. His team set what was at the time the record for CIGS thin film efficiency (CIGS cell efficiency achieved under the latter contract was 14.6% AM1.5G). In 1990, a team lead by Dr. Stanbery demonstrated a tandem GaAs/CuInSe2 cell (measured at 25.8% AM1.5G) which still holds the world-record ( for thin-film solar cell efficiency.
The Boeing Company donated its key CIS research equipment to the University of Florida’s Microfabritech® facility in 1994, as part of a technology transfer to the University in the field of CuInSe2 materials and their use in efficient, thin film, photovoltaic devices. Dr. Stanbery completed his PhD in Chemical Engineering at the University of Florida in May, 2001. His dissertation has been published by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory ( as the final report for the contract (XAF-5-14142-10) that he won in competitive procurement through the NREL Thin Film Photovoltaic Partnership Program to fund his graduate work.
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Senior Member
American Physical Society
Materials Research Society
American Vacuum Society
American Association for Crystal Growth
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Society of Vacuum Coaters
Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Chapter of Texas
Sigma Pi Sigma (honorary academic society for physics)
Pi Mu Epsilon (honorary academic society for mathematics)
1. Invited review paper:
B. J. Stanbery, "Copper Indium Selenides and Related Materials for Photovoltaic Devices," Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences, vol. 27,Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2002, pp. 73-117.
2. B. J. Stanbery, S. Kincal, S. Kim, C. H. Chang, S. P. Ahrenkiel, G. Lippold, H. Neumann, T. J. Anderson, and O. D. Crisalle, “Epitaxial Growth and Characterization of CuInSe2 Crystallographic Polytypes,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 91, 2002, pp. 3598-3604.
3. B. J. Stanbery, Heteroepitaxy and Nucleation Control for the Growth of Metal Chalcogenides using Activated Reactant Sources, Dissertation, College of Engineering: University of Florida, 2001.
4. B. J. Stanbery, S. Kincal, S. Kim, T. J. Anderson, O. D. Crisalle, S. P. Ahrenkiel, and G. Lippold, "Role of Sodium in the Control of Defect Structures in CIS," in Conference Record of the 28th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. Piscataway: IEEE, 2000, pp. 440-445.
5. B. J. Stanbery, C. H. Chang, S. Kim, S. Kincal, G. Lippold, S. P. Ahrenkiel, L. Li, T. J. Anderson, and M. M. Al-Jassim, "Epitaxial Growth of CuAuOrdered CuInSe2 Structural Polytypes by Migration Enhanced Epitaxy," in Self-Organized Processes in Semiconductor Alloys, vol. 583, MRS Symposium Proceedings, A. Mascarenhas, D. Folstaedt, B. Joyce, and T. Suzuki, Eds. Warrendale: MRS, 1999, pp. 195-200.
6. B. J. Stanbery, C. H. Huang, C. H. Chang, S. S. Li, and T. J. Anderson, "Characterization and Processing of CuInSe2 Solar Cells," in Conference Record of the 2nd World Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion. Brussels: European Commission Joint Research Centre, 1998, pp. 529-532.
7. Invited paper:
B. J. Stanbery, C. H. Chang, and T. J. Anderson, "Engineered Phase Inhomogeneity for CIS Device Optimization," in Ternary and Multinary Compounds, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference, vol. 152, Institute of Physics Conference Series, R. D. Tomlinson, A. E. Hill, and R. D. Pilkington, Eds. Bristol: IOP, 1997, pp. 915-922.
8. B. J. Stanbery, E. S. Lambers, and T. J. Anderson, "XPS Studies of Sodium Compound Formation and Surface Segregation in CIGS Thin Films," in Conference Record of the 26th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. Piscataway: IEEE, 1997, pp. 499-502.
9. B. J. Stanbery, A. Davydov, C. H. Chang, and T. J. Anderson, "Reaction Engineering and Precursor Film Deposition for CIS Synthesis," in NREL/SNL Photovoltaics Program Review, Proceedings of the 14th Conference, vol. 394, AIP Conference Proceedings, C. E. Witt, M. Al-Jassim, and J. M. Gee, Eds. New York: AIP, 1996, pp. 579-588.
10. B. J. Stanbery, "New Plasma Source of Hydrides for Epitaxial Growth," Boeing Defense & Space Group, Final Technical Report NREL contract XM1191428, 1993.
11. B. J. Stanbery, W. S. Chen, W. E. Devaney, and J. M. Stewart, "Research on Polycrystalline Thin-Film CuGaInSe2 Solar Cells," National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Phase 1 Annual Subcontract Report NREL contract ZH-1-19019-6, 1992.
12. B. J. Stanbery, "Manufacturing Technology Development for CuInGaSe2 Solar Cell Modules," Boeing Aerospace & Electronics, Solar Energy Research Institute Subcontract XC-1-10057-14, 1991.
13. B. J. Stanbery, B. D. King, R. M. Burgess, R. W. McClelland, N. P. Kim, R. P. Gale, and R. Mickelsen, "Lightweight Tandem GaAs/CuInSe2 Solar Cells," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 37, pp. 438-441, 1990.
14. B. J. Stanbery, M. Gouterman, and R. M. Burgess, "The Requirement of Water for Photovoltaic Response from Porphyrin Sandwich Cells," Journal of Physical Chemistry, vol. 89, pp. 4950-4956, 1985.
15. B. J. Stanbery, W. S. Chen, R. A. Mickelsen, G. J. Collins, K. A. Emery, J. J. Rocca, and L. R. Thompson, "Silicon nitride anti-reflection coatings for CdS/CuInSe2 thin film solar cells by electron beam assisted chemical vapor deposition," Solar Cells, vol. 14, pp. 289-291, 1985.
16. B. J. Stanbery, W. S. Chen, and R. A. Mickelsen, "Integrated Thin-Film CuInSe2 Monolithic Solar Cell Modules," in Materials and New Processing Technologies for Photovoltaics, vol. PV 85-9, The Electrochemical Society Symposium Proceedings, V. K. Kapur, J. P. Dismukes, and S. Pizzini, Eds. Pittsburgh: The Electrochemical Society, 1984, pp. 115-121.
1. C. H. Chang, J. W. Johnson, B. J. Stanbery, T. J. Anderson, S. H. Wei, R. N. Battacharya, R. Duran, and G. Bunker, "Composition Effects on the Local Structure of CuInSe2: X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Investigations and First-Principles Calculations," Journal of Applied Physics, pp. submitted, 2001.
2. C. H. Chang, S. H. Wei, J. W. Johnson, R. N. Battacharya, B. J. Stanbery, T. J. Anderson, and R. Duran, "Long and Short Range Ordering of CuInSe2," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. Suppl. 39-1, pp. 411-412, 2000.
3. C. H. Huang, S. S. Li, W. N. Shafarman, C. H. Chang, E. S. Lambers, L. Rieth, J. W. Johnson, S. Kim, B. J. Stanbery, and T. J. Anderson, "Study of Cdfree Buffer Layers Using Inx(OH,S)y on CIGS Solar Cells," in Technical Digest of the 11th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference. Tokyo: Tokyo University of Ag. & Tech., 1999, pp. 855.
4. C.-H. Chang, A. A. Morrone, B. J. Stanbery, C. McCreary, M. Huang, C.-H. Huang, S. S. Li, and T. J. Anderson, "Growth and Characterization of CdS Buffer Layers by CBD and MOCVD," in NCPV Photovoltaics Program Review, AIP Conference Proceedings, M. Al-Jassim, J. P. Thornton, and J. M. Gee, Eds., vol. 462. New York: AIP, 1998, pp. 114-119.
5. C.-H. Chang, B. J. Stanbery, A. A. Morrone, A. Davydov, and T. J. Anderson, "Novel Multilayer Process for CuInSe2 Thin Film Formation by Rapid Thermal Processing," in Thin-Film Structures for Photovoltaics, vol. 485, MRS symposium proceedings, E. D. Jones, J. Kalejs, R. Noufi, and B. Sopori, Eds. Warrendale: MRS, 1997, pp. 163-168.
6. S. S. Li, B. J. Stanbery, C. H. Huang, C. H. Chang, T. J. Anderson, and Y. S. Chang, "Effects of Buffer Layer Processing on CIGS Excess Carrier Lifetime: Application of DualBeam Optical Modulation to Process Analysis," in The Conference Record of the 25th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. Piscataway: IEEE, 1996, pp. 821-824.
7. C. H. Chang, A. Davydov, B. J. Stanbery, and T. J. Anderson, "Thermodynamic Assessment of the Cu-In-Se System and Application to Thin Film Photovoltaics," in The Conference Record of the 25th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. Piscataway: IEEE, 1996, pp. 849-852.
8. W. S. Chen, J. M. Stewart, R. A. Mickelsen, W. E. Devaney, and B. J. Stanbery, "Research on Polycrystalline Thin Film CuGaInSe2 Solar Cells," Boeing Defense and Space Group, Contract Final Technical Report NREL/TP-413-5835, September, 1993.
9. R. P. Gale, R. W. McClelland, B. D. Dingle, J. V. Gormley, R. M. Burgess, N. P. Kim, R. A. Mickelsen, and B. J. Stanbery, "High-Efficiency GaAs/CuInSe2 and AlGaAs/CuInSe2 Thin-Film Tandem Solar Cells," in Conference Record of the 21st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, vol. 1. New York: IEEE, 1990, pp. 53-57.
10. R. A. Mickelsen, B. J. Stanbery, J. E. Avery, W. S. Chen, and W. E. Devaney, "Large Area CuInSe2 Thin-Film Solar Cells," in The Conference Record of the 19th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. New York: IEEE, 1987, pp. 744-748.
11. R. A. Mickelsen, W. S. Chen, B. J. Stanbery, and W. E. Devaney, "Polycrystalline CuInSe2 Thin-Film Solar Cells," in Technical Digest of the International PVSEC-3. Tokyo, 1987, pp. 787-790.
12. W. S. Chen, J. M. Stewart, B. J. Stanbery, W. E. Devaney, and R. A. Mickelsen, "Development of Thin Film Polycrystalline CuIn1-xGaxSe2 Solar Cells," in The Conference Record of the 19th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. New York: IEEE, 1987, pp. 1445-1447.